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The Corruption That Plagues America
In a successful motion picture of a couple of years
ago, a TV newscaster looked at the evils in the world around him and loudly announced that
he was "mad as hell" and was "not going to take it anymore!" But
outside of making the announcement, he did nothing--nothing to alleviate the ills, or to
help the situation.
When TV humorist, actor, musician, composer and author Steve
Allen views the extent to which corruption has penetrated all levels of American society,
he too is "mad as hell." But in Ripoff he sets out to do
something about it. In a scathing denunciation of our greed-gripped society, Allen
catalogs its illnesses and offers helpful suggestions for remedial action.
Steve Allen perceives almost no present limits to the tide of crime and
corruption that has affected all walks of life in modern-day America. Congressmen,
senators, governors, bank presidents, industry leaders--even a Vice President of the
United States--have been caught with their hands in the till. The youngster who
accepts cheating on a grade-school test as merely part of his education...the politician
whose hand is open for a bribe...the government investigator into fraud who juggles his
own expense account...the physician who "adjusts" his bill to cheat the Medicaid
system...the showbusiness agents and performers who work tax swindles as casually as they
ply their trades...the businessmen who "buy" their way into successful
careers...they are all here in Ripoff, and they do not make a pretty picture.
In a breezy, informal style, Allen lays out the facts--from the
West Point cadet cheats to the complex machinations of the computer-based Equity Funding
scandal--with the deft touch that has made him a favorite on TV screens and in personal
appearances for three decades. He touches all bases, from employee theft to
shoplifting. With a sensitive social conscience and probing mind, he asks how so
much wrongdoing came about--and what it bodes for the future. But even when Allen is
most despairing, he retains his sense of humor, managing eventually to find hope and to
provide answers that could lead to a less troubled tomorrow. |