Than A Breadbox
Perhaps a brief explanation of the title of this book
is warranted, for the benefit of those to young to remember the early days of "What's
My Line?"
On that long-lived program, the panelists, one of whom was Steve
Allen (regularly from 1951-53), and intermittently thereafter until the program's demise),
tried to determine the occupation of a guest. This often involved guessing at the
nature of a product with which the guests might be identified and, to that end, finding
out the size of the product. Allen's commonest question along this interrogative
route, heard so often that it became a running gag, was "Is it bigger than a
There is, of course, nothing inherently comic about a breadbox.
Yet the questions, after it had been used regularly for a while, came to generate
an aura of amusement because it was a predictable verbal gambit, symbolic of the spirit of
good humor that characterized the show.
If only for this reason, the book's title is appropriate: a
breadbox or almost anything else, tangible or intangible, can rise to an atmosphere of
risibility under the right conditions, particularly when the speaker or writer has the
unique wit of Steve Allen. In the final analysis, the dimensions of humor are
greater than those of comedy -- bigger than a breadbox, larger than laughter, vaster than
"Very funny...a big breadbox filled with crumbs of
loveable humor." -- Lincoln Nebraska Journal
" .....contains plenty of the real staff of life--laughter."
-- Detroit News
"...true wit and originality..." -- Los Angeles Times Calendar
"Allen is a walking 'creative gag file.'" -- Virginia Kirkus
"....a panoramicomedy..." -- Boston Herald Traveler |